Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Newborn Baby

I fell back asleep shortly after this while laying on my back. And was only asleep a short while when I re-awoke to this incredible screeching noise—wailing in my ears! And I opened my eyes to the sight of this newborn baby, which completely filled my vision before me! (I lay on my back looking up at the ceiling of the cab.) Again I was wide awake! It was a breathtaking sight to behold, and when this child cried, he cried in such a demanding way (it was a boy and he cried about ten times), letting the whole world know he had just been delivered and required immediate attending to. I soon became uncomfortable, due to the immediacy of the moment, and desired that the child be removed, for fear I would cause it harm. I kind of backed away, as I lay there crouched in the front seat, and the child was removed, and taken up into heaven.

I lay there for a moment, as my mind was struck with wonder. And I heard a song, from up above. It was faint and barely audible but still discernable. It was the song, Age of Aquarius, by the popular musical group, The Fifth Dimension. I know they say we're living in the Aquarian Age, but I'm still not sure what that means? And for another moment I lapsed into a state of unconsciousness. When I re-awoke, there was a vision of a cross, held suspended in the middle of the sky and arrayed in a very special way (as portrayed in the next chapter).

Once again I fell asleep, and when I awoke I saw another vision. I was half asleep and it was unclear, but it was the face of a man. It reminded me of George Washington. I immediately fell back asleep and had another dream: I was going to my cousin Judy's house in Fortuna, California (about 200 miles north of Cloverdale on Highway 101), which obviously correlates with Judith (12) of Gerarai and, New Church. (While Fortuna was a Roman fertility goddess, and later the goddess of chance; compare the wheel of fortune.) And I dreamt I was playing Chinese Checkers with her children, a game played with played colored marbles and a round gameboard, within a colored hexagram or six sided star. Which obviously correlates with the symbolism on the front cover and, the color wheel (and loosely coincides with the Seal of God, portrayed in the next chapter).

I awoke once more and had a final vision. I opened my eyes and there it was, Humboldt State University, of Arcata, California. It was clear and distinct and looked just as it did when I drove by a few months earlier. And there was a voice, which resounded, Wilmaton University! It was clearly unusual, but I understood what it meant: it ties in my stepmother, whose name is Wilma—she is/was a professor there—with my father, whose last name is Hamilton. And when conjoined you get, Wilmaton. And no, George Washington didn't cross the Delaware River at Wilmington (as I suspected he did). I have a better idea about this in the next chapter, regarding the Masonic Connection. I had also been working with my visualization technique earlier, and wondering what college I might address in my mind, to channel my spiritual energy there. I was living in Santa Rosa at the time, and considered Santa Rosa Junior College, but it didn't seem suitable. So I left it as an open question, while Humboldt State didn't even occur to me. And when I had this vision, I knew it was the fulfillment of that.

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